MadLotto, #1 lottery site and lotto!
Discover MadLotto, the free online lottery to win up to GBP 8,800 in Prizes every day at each draw! Registration is free and fast: Join us by registering now!
Every day, several thousand players fill out their two free grids to win Prizes and cash with the MadLotto free lottery! Each player can participate in two draws and try to win up to GBP 8,800 in Prizes to each of them! Your free lottery grid is a winner from only two good numbers! In addition, you increase your chances of winning with the free colour, Even and section bonuses that make you win even more Prizes!
Every week, you automatically participate in the MadLotto Challenges: each completed lottery grid automatically puts you in the Challenge of the Week ranking. At the end of the week, you will receive additional Prizes depending on your position in the ranking. The results of the lottery and all the Prizes won are visible in the lottery Winners section.
To earn even more, don't hesitate to sponsor your friends. As a Referer, you earn points and Prizes thanks to your sponsored sponsored friends!
It only takes a few seconds to complete your grid! Become one of the many MadLotto lottery Winners too!