Player ceriseorange posted a message on 19/05 03:52 on the MadLotto Forum: The owls Charles BAUDELAIRE ! (1821-1867). Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  The owls Charles BAUDELAIRE ! (1821-1867)
19/05/2015 03:52:13

Charles BAUDELAIRE ! (1821-1867)

The owls

Under the black yew trees that shelter them,
the owls stand tidy,
as well as foreign gods,
Dardant their red eye. They meditate.

Without stirring they will
stand until the melancholic
hour when, pushing the oblique sun,
the darkness will settle.

Their attitude to the wise teaches
that in this world he must fear
the tumult and the movement,

the man drunk with a passing
shadow Always carries the punishment
For having wanted to change places.

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