Player Kaoutchou76 posted a message on 03/02 13:29 on the MadLotto Forum: Betting: Weird draw. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  6 17 26 30 36 43  : Winners : 748 

Subject :  Betting: Weird draw
03/02/2014 13:29:08

Hello !

It's been a few times since playing PariMots, I've come across a strange draw like the one I just had: N.I.I.1.M.-.S

It's due to a bug to have this kind of draw or there's something to look for that I don't understand????

Thank you for your Help!!!!!

11/02/2014 17:50:37

it's a bug, we're a lot of people to have experienced this..
. when it happens, let the sc know by giving as many details as possible ( the better it is a screenshot in +), they'll give you back your Rounds

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