Player Bluegirl88 posted a message on 14/03 18:07 on the MadLotto Forum: Problem on a challenge. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Problem on a challenge
14/03/2011 18:07:31

I won the #9042535 challenge but did not receive 2000 madpoints and was still without the 1000 I invested...

What happened (I am

sorry for the French because I am Portuguese and I don't speak French fluently)

02/04/2011 19:17:55

🤕 Hello, there

was a problem with a challengepyramid poker" challenge that I just won, but due to a bug, it was not validated and I can no longer access it, what should I do?

Thank you for the answer.


26/03/2011 17:27:24

I have the same problem but I'm assuming to be 4000mp and I didn't have the 2000 I had to use

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