Player Lenalive posted a message on 23/02 11:31 on the MadLotto Forum: bug. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  6 17 26 30 36 43  : Winners : 748 

Subject :  bug
26/02/2008 11:04:05

Request advice from customer
service 🙋

24/02/2008 14:07:43

go to the forum under technical questions on the topic "write here to read here to read first suggestions to help you" write here that the webmaster has published !!🙋🙋🙋

24/02/2008 13:52:13

with which version of the internet do you play MadWin games: internet explorer or mozilla firefox?
personally I like mozilla but I have less difficulty Play MadWin with internet explorer and I have the impression that the little penguin is moving faster on the game, I don't know what the others think?

23/02/2008 11:31:52

Hello, I'm new and I can't get the games started. How do we do that? Thank you.

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