Player pop50 posted a message on 26/12 04:00 on the MadLotto Forum: Hello, everyone!. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  2 10 17 18 29 43  : Winners : 790 

Subject :  Hello, everyone!
26/12/2007 04:00:49

Good morning, everyone! Poppers50 here, I'm writing to you from my mom's account B)
I wanted to ask the Web or the other Diamond VIPs, if it was normal that this year we didn't get Christmas Prizes pitis from MadWin????
Because last year I received a great crystal shwarovsky decoration and I found this gesture super nice to thank my loyalty!
While this year, MadWin has done nothing at all.... (sick) (sick) (sick) (fou) |down|

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