Player elvis49 posted a message on 12/03 21:50 on the MadLotto Forum: The Old Jack Treasure. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  6 17 26 30 36 43  : Winners : 748 

Subject :  The Old Jack Treasure
20/03/2007 12:50:43

This game is excellent.
The goal of the game is to finish the table as quickly as possible with as few moves as possible.
We start with 15 Turns, the fewer moves we use, the higher the score, because for each additional move we get a bonus of 1000 points.
In the tournament however I had a problem because I finished a table with extra shots and it didn't give me any bonus while piur reaching big scores like 7000 points we have to have bonuses.
So I deduce that I had a bug and it's annoying because otherwise I'll be the leader of the tournament.

13/03/2007 15:06:40

I have trouble figuring out exactly how to win on old jack, but I managed to extend the Round...... by lining up 4 or 5 diamonds...
is that the right solution?

12/03/2007 22:25:31

Thank you very much! 🤪 Feel

free to tell us what you think of this new game!

The Web'.

12/03/2007 21:50:04

Congrats, great strategy and puzzle game, keep it up like that you're great

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