Player titemarinette posted a message on 14/06 19:56 on the MadLotto Forum: Transfer his points?!?. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Transfer his points?!?
17/06/2009 22:26:20

Thank you for this answer, I also found for MadLotto...but...still nothing for CadoVillage and quo verbis! I end up wondering if we can really forward them... If an admin' comes by to answer me that would be nice! thank youiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

15/06/2009 21:09:43

I managed to transfer 100,000 MadLotto points very easily and simply.

14/06/2009 19:56:30

Hello, everyone! Here, I wanted to know how to transfer his points, CadoVillage or MadLotto for example, to MadWin's madpoints account... I may be looking for I can't find how to do the manipulation, but thank you in advance for any answer that will help me and especially LONG LIFE IN MadWin!!!!

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