Player milla85 posted a message on 23/11 14:04 on the MadLotto Forum: Bonus Mots. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  6 17 26 30 36 43  : Winners : 748 

Subject :  Bonus Mots
06/01/2009 12:57:44

crevettedusud wrote: : 🙋la
maximum that you can win in free mode is 150 mdp, now trying to make double meaning words like LES that backwards also binds SEL and it pays a lot good chance😉 mi my record is

174 mdp 😂

30/12/2008 09:12:50

crevettedusud wrote: : 🙋la
maximum that you can win in free mode is 150 mdp, now trying to make double meaning words like LES that backwards also binds SEL and it pays a lot good chance😉 mi my record is

174 points :bezel

23/12/2008 14:10:34

🙋j' also loves this game, which brings back the double meaning words of the style sel=les this brings back a lot, good luck

15/12/2008 20:07:58

🙋la maximum that you can win in free mode is 150 mdp, now try to make double meaning words like LES that backwards also binds SEL and it pays a lot good chance😉

23/11/2008 14:04:53

I'm amazed to see the scores of some players at this game!!! 2000 points per day!! wow!!!!how do you do that? I don't take off from 1000 to 1200 points per day!!!! and I can't find the rules for the points!!! which letters, which words are the most valuable???? thanks for all your advice!!!

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