Subject |
Number of views |
Number of Messages |
Last modification |
May lily of the valley. |
66103 |
1 |
01/05/2018 13:51:23 |
Wishes ,Poet : Théophile Gautier (1811-1872) |
67039 |
1 |
05/04/2018 21:32:00 |
Poetry on tolerance |
65918 |
3 |
05/03/2018 17:40:21 |
poem the owls |
66201 |
1 |
07/02/2018 19:09:40 |
Wonderful Christmass.Recueil: Poems of Christmas (2002) Véronique Audelon. . |
65165 |
2 |
20/12/2017 18:14:26 |
creysanthemums poem by christophe bregaint |
68611 |
1 |
01/11/2017 14:22:42 |
Holidays Esther Granek |
64751 |
1 |
09/07/2017 11:05:31 |
December (the month's round) of Dominique sagne |
66410 |
2 |
28/04/2017 10:24:54 |
November poem Amélie Dewailly (Ms. Gustave-Emile Mesureur |
63203 |
1 |
05/11/2016 16:41:25 |
Poem October lights up (the round of the month) Dominique SAGNE |
63749 |
1 |
02/10/2016 14:45:37 |
The suns of September Auguste Lacaussade |
63463 |
1 |
07/09/2016 20:48:45 |
The Lion's Court - Jean de la Fontaine |
65058 |
2 |
26/07/2016 10:54:30 |
have and be |
65823 |
3 |
22/07/2016 13:42:50 |
My poems for you from nancyg |
65439 |
2 |
12/07/2016 21:56:34 |
poem by Dominique Sagne |
64431 |
2 |
04/07/2016 10:28:18 |
June (The Month Round) by Dominique Sagne |
67405 |
6 |
26/06/2016 18:28:06 |
poem of dominica sagne Mai (the round of the months) |
64501 |
2 |
02/05/2016 18:05:15 |
Poems of Maguy |
227797 |
38 |
26/04/2016 21:17:27 |
Poem by Dominique Sagne Avril (the month round) |
64411 |
2 |
01/04/2016 19:33:29 |
poem of dominique sague march (the round of the months) |
64903 |
3 |
17/03/2016 10:16:45 |